2023-2024 Graduate Seminar Presentations

The Department of Agricultural Biotechnology held its graduate seminar presentations for the 2023-2024 academic year on Friday, June 7th, 2024 at 9:30 AM in the 3rd Block Seminar Hall. The department's graduate students had the opportunity to share their scientific research conducted throughout the year through comprehensive presentations.


sem1.pngOur graduate students had the opportunity to share the results and findings of their scientific research, conducted throughout the year with great dedication, with the academic community through comprehensive and detailed presentations. These presentations focused on innovative approaches in agricultural biotechnology, sustainable agricultural practices, and potential solutions for the future.


The Department Head expressed gratitude to all students and academics who participated in the seminar and wished the students success in their future endeavors. It is expected that this productive event, where developments in agricultural biotechnology were shared, will serve as an inspiration for future research.


Eklenme tarihi: 7.06.2024 12:45:36
Son güncelleme: 7.06.2024 12:45:36